Welcome to Skull Island D:
Closing Chapter: The Last Battle
While Steven and party were away doing quests, Abadon had been wreaking havoc upon the kingdom.
Knowing this, Steven and the others rushed back to the kingdom.
As their Gryphon had already died, they couldn’t return using that method. They needed to find a whole pack of gryphons that would be able to ferry Steven's team McJack's undead army.
They head to the mountain nearby to find the gryphons’ nest
They found it right at the summit. However, the gryphons were vicious and untamed so they had to battle and subdue them first.
After the gryphons are defeated, Steven and the army rode them back to the castle.
They are landed near the castle. McJack's undead soldiers went to help the humans fight Abadon’s army while Steven's team went to find Abadon.
Attacked by Steven's team, Abadon was finally defeated.
Before Abadon’s power could be restored , McJack thrusts his sword into Abadon’s heart. (McJack does the last hit)
Because of the sword’s immense power, Abadon's was completely destroyed and could never be revived again.
Following the death of Abadon, his undead army started to fall and wither away, thus giving the humans victory.
After striking Abadon’s death blow, McJack slowly loses his power. Within the last minute of his life he tells Steven that he is very proud of him and what he has done. Then, he fades away.
Bonus ending: If Steven got the thief to join the party, Steven will marry her. (Is this really necessary? It kind of deviates from the plot and kind of screws up the epicness of the ending haha.)