Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Scripts by JC

party_Trall - invite Trall to join the party

number_of_killing_orcs - count the number of orcs that character killed

appearance_of_orcs_leader - if the character kills 30 orcs, the orc's leader appears.

appearance_of_leaders_pet - the orc's leader summons the pet.

thief_sex - if character is male, the thief becomes female, and if character is female, the thief becomes male.

thief_behave - run fur from the character

thief_catched - if thief is catched, the thief joins the party

Trall_injured - Trall is injured, so Trall's hp should be decreased

Trall_died - When Trall's hp is 0, Trall died and give a quest to character
key_find - Trall tells character to find a key

select_location - player should select a location where player go first

defeat_guardian - there are one guardian (mid boss) in each location and player shoud defeat them all

key_drop - all guardian must drop the piece of key

sean_die - Sean dies

npc_petch - petch is given a weapon and armor(Sean's) from the party, and joins the party

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