Welcome to Skull Island D:
Closing Chapter: The Last Battle
While Steven and party were away doing quests, Abadon had been wreaking havoc upon the kingdom.
Knowing this, Steven and the others rushed back to the kingdom.
As their Gryphon had already died, they couldn’t return using that method. They needed to find a whole pack of gryphons that would be able to ferry Steven's team McJack's undead army.
They head to the mountain nearby to find the gryphons’ nest
They found it right at the summit. However, the gryphons were vicious and untamed so they had to battle and subdue them first.
After the gryphons are defeated, Steven and the army rode them back to the castle.
They are landed near the castle. McJack's undead soldiers went to help the humans fight Abadon’s army while Steven's team went to find Abadon.
Attacked by Steven's team, Abadon was finally defeated.
Before Abadon’s power could be restored , McJack thrusts his sword into Abadon’s heart. (McJack does the last hit)
Because of the sword’s immense power, Abadon's was completely destroyed and could never be revived again.
Following the death of Abadon, his undead army started to fall and wither away, thus giving the humans victory.
After striking Abadon’s death blow, McJack slowly loses his power. Within the last minute of his life he tells Steven that he is very proud of him and what he has done. Then, he fades away.
Bonus ending: If Steven got the thief to join the party, Steven will marry her. (Is this really necessary? It kind of deviates from the plot and kind of screws up the epicness of the ending haha.)
Quest 3: The Graveyard
After they obtained the key, Steven and the others head to the forbidden forest. However, they find that Abadon's squad has already invaded the area and their number was too great to overcome without casualty. Then, Petch remembers that there is a secret underground cave that leads to the portal, but that cave is extremely dangerous and has a lot of cannibals. Even so, Steven decides to use that route because there was no other feasible alternative.
Petch shows the party the way to the Cannibal Cave. Inside the cave, Steven has to fight with the cannibals to gain access to the portal. Steven, upon seeing the cannibals devouring each other in such an inhumane fashion, felt sick and angry.
Then, he found a room that was full of dynamite. He sets the dynamite up, lit the fuse from a distance and BOOM! Cannibal Cave explodes and the cannibals die.
After they reach and unlock the portal, Steven and the team enter.
After that, they see a terrifying, skull-lined path, accompanied by bloody lakes, trees with red leaves (Would dead and crumbling trees better suit the mood? Although clichéd, it wouldn’t suddenly seem like autumn lol) and an old graveyard
While they are looking for McJack's grave, they are attacked by ghouls. (How did they defeat the ghouls?) McJack's grave was so obscure that it took a long time to locate. Thankfully, after a while, the sword begins to shine and it points them towards McJacks' grave.
Steven thrust the sword into the grave plot and McJack rises up from the ground, undead. McJack takes the sword from Steven and uses its power to revive his fallen army of soldiers.
Then, he orders his soldiers to head back to the castle to help.
(Little family reunion moment) Then they continue the journey back to the castle. (So they aren’t travelling together with the soldiers?) McJack joined the team.
*Written by Fandi, edited by Steph
Quest 2: Retrieve the Key
Knowing that Steven and his party are bringing the sword to revive McJack, Abadon (the Undead king) sends his horde of undead to kill Steven and steal the sword
After acquiring the map, Steven and Trall head to Lolbourne City to rent a gryphon (those who don’t know what it is please wiki it.) In Lolbourne, they suddenly realised that they were pick pocketed and had no more gold.
This is a gryphon.
Optional storylines:
1. Find the thief (female if you chose a male character and vice versa – if the coding is too complicated to spawn a conditionally-gendered thief, we’ll stick to the lesbian storyline and the thief will be female :P) After you catch the thief, he or she will be awed by Steven’s prowess – the thief had never been caught before – and return the gold as well as join the party.
2. Hunting monsters until enough gold is earned to rent a gryphon (farming gold)
Riding a gryphon, they go through the forbidden forest (the place where the warp portal to Skull Island is located.) Upon landing, they are attacked by undead. After a long fight they successfully defeat the undead, but Trall is fatally wounded (but not dead yet!)
After walking (and limping) a bit they finally found the portal but they find that they cannot use it. Suddenly, Trall remembers that to use the portal they need a key. With his last breath he tells Steven to go to Gidney Village to find the key.
Then he died [Steven crying “WHY!!!! WHYY!!! WHYYYY!!!! Just kidding.] He reveals the location of Gidney Village is before dies...it’s very near.)
*Gidney Village - I took that name from Sidney btw, just replaced S with G
While looking for information about the key, he (or they, if the thief joins the party) meets Sean (this name taken from your classmate Steph!! lol) and he tells Steven that the key was broken into 3 pieces. They are located at Mount Bullet, Messiq Cave and Greame Forest (each place has 1 guardian – minor boss, so Steven has to kill the guardian before he can get the key.) Sean will join the party to lead the way to the 3 locations.
The player can choose which location he wants to go to first.
When all guardians are defeated, Steven and Sean return to Gidney and find it under siege from the undead. All the villagers perish except for one boy - Petch; Sean dies in combat. Petch is given a weapon and armor and joins the party.
**If the optional storyline is too complicated – the lecturer said forked storylines tend to be so – let’s just go with option 1 and have the thief definitely join the party? Opinions please. :)
Sex: Male
Class: Warrior
- McJack’s eldest son
- One of the best generals in the army
- Talented and Strong
- Upset over father’s death and retired from the army
- 10 years later the king summons him back to carry out the mission of finding and resurrecting his father’s corpse
2. Anna
Sex: Female (Lesbian, har har.)
Class: Mage
- McJack’s stepdaughter
- Trained as a white magician when she was a child and become a great white magician at 12
- After that, she became addicted to the magic powers and found a book about secret black magic
- She decided to leave the kingdom at 25 and live in the wilderness to learn more about magic
- McJack sent his army to look for her but she was never found
- After McJack’s death, she returned to the kingdom and requested that the king let her fulfil her duty of finding and resurrecting her stepfather
3. Anven
Sex: Male
Class: Rogue
- McJack’s second son
- Joined a coven of assassins
- Killed no less than 12 war generals, 27 ministers and hundreds soldiers
- He attempted to assassinate the king but failed
- Caught and jailed by General McJack
- Has been jailed since 1 year before his father’s death
- 10 years later, guilt ridden, he begged the king to give him the mission of finding and reviving his father
Thank you Fandi for completing and sending Quest 1 to me. I've done some grammar editing and here you go!
Quest 1: Find the Map
Steven (or Anna or Anven) needs to find the way to get to Skull Island. The king tells Steven to find Trall as he is the only person who has ever been to Skull Island and come back alive.
(Trall - Human character, NPC party member who dies later on in the story)
Later, Trall join the party and lead the way to Voldemort Cave, which is the place where he hid the map to Skull Island. Unfortunately, the condition of the cave is no longer the same as the time when he hid the map. He is not even sure whether the map still exists.
Orcs have overrun Voldemort Cave and made it their lair. Steven and Trall have to fight and kill many orcs while they look for the map. Finally, they find the map in an underground jail. However, when they were passing through the throne room on the way out, they ran into the horde and their leader and were subsequently captured. The orc’s leader was angered by the many orcs slain by Steven and Trall. He offered them release upon one condition – they have to battle and manage to slay his pet or they will be executed.
Pet Info:
Name - Behemoth(?)
Size - Very big
Form - Half dragon, half bull
Steven and Trall defeat Behemoth. The Orc leader honours his word and releases them.
Please comment/edit. If you guys have ideas for quests please post it up in a new post, thank you :)